(Saturday, 28 February 2009)
Semuc Champey is a paradise on earth.
The river Cahabón runs through a valley surrounded by huge limestone cliffs, populated by beautiful green. The steep scenery reminded me of Laos. The memory was far more intense than the one triggered by the photos we’ve from that trip. It was like the fact that all 5 senses were being excited by old stimuli made my brain go back in time, and feel exactly the same way as 2.5 years ago. It’s difficult to explain, but I guess it’s similar to what happens when you feel a smell from your childhood, and you’re suddenly projected 20 years back in time without being able to explain exactly why…
Over million years the river has created extensive caves in the limestone. For instance, the Kan-Ba cave is 11km long and the river runs in it. We visited the first km only – from that point onwards you need special equipment as it gets really cold quickly.
Unfortunately there are no photos or videos because I couldn’t bring the camera with me – you’ve to swim through pools and small waterfalls, so I played safe there… But, believe me, entering in a cave at night without seeing a damn thing, only hearing the sound of bats and the water running, and starting to feel your feet wet while you walk is a bloody intense thing. You go with a guide – and the guy knows what he’s doing – but you’re still in the edge of your comfort zone, I’ve to say… Once you get inside and light up the candles and turn on the flash lights, the scenery is indeed beautiful. Definitely recommended!
Huge blocks of limestone have fallen from the cliffs over time, and the beautiful pools you see here have been formed on top of them. Most of the river actually flows below them, disappearing in a huge cave just before the pools, to come out again from the earth 300m further down.
The view from the “mirador” is unbelievable. I guess we must have stayed there 45 minutes or so, in silence. It felt like 45 hours. I was feeling so relaxed on the way down…
It’s indeed the kind of place that makes you want to travel.
The dogs at Las 3 Marias, where we stayed for the night. I made friends with the little one. He started giving me gentle small bites on my hand. Just to play.
Bridge to the Semuc Champey pools. And a foreigner with a stupid smile. (very informative subtitle...)
You bastard!