Friday 13 February 2009

Which Gustavo?

It’s not the first time I stand up in the house when I hear someone calling my name. They’re not calling for me, but Conchita’s second son. He’s 13 and the fact we share the name helped establishing a good relationship since the beginning.

What he likes the most doing is swimming. He studies at UPAVIM and the school gives his class access to a swimming pool in the city centre, something like 30 or 45 minutes away. He has proudly shown me his medals. It’s definitely what makes his heart beat.

If only more swimming pools and medals could be given to kids around here. You wouldn’t see half the problems that affect this community. This community, and so many others in Guatemala City. And in Central America. And in…

I’ve been spending some of my time seating at UPAVIM’s roof looking at the quasi-slums around us, and thinking of what in the world has to be done to change this reality.

I’ve no idea. Do you?

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