Well, he would have a proper picture, or portrait, already!
Google map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pt-PT&geocode=&q=%22puerto+lopez%22+ecuador&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=12.739664,28.168945&ie=UTF8&ll=-1.323735,-79.068604&spn=2.690685,5.603027&z=8
I hadn’t heard great things of Ecuador’s coast – it’s often described as shabby, a bit dodgy even perhaps, and not that pretty. It’s the people that makes it worthwhile visiting, they say.
Well, perhaps. But after visiting Puerto Lopez, I don’t feel like investigating much more of it. That region, the “ruta del sol”, is described as one of the prettiest – or less ugly… - of the all coast, a place not yet destroyed by beach resorts for the Ecuadorian middle class, and with enough natural interesting sights to justify a visit.
I found a very (very, very) dirty town, with nothing to write home about, but with a mysteriously overdeveloped tourist industry for foreigners. I guess the possibility of whale-watching just a few miles from the shore explains that…
I said no to all that, spend a day walking in the natural park by the coast – not that impressive, I’ve to admit! – and decided to move on, further inland.
I know I might be loosing the opportunity to meet great people and get to know the local culture of the coast, but mixing the worst of two worlds – dirty uninteresting towns, and overdeveloped tourist industry crowded with tour operators (oh! how I love them!) – is just too much.
I’ll take my chances on missing this one.
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